Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Ternyata... Hahaha.

Barusan kan gw online, iseng2 aja, soalnya hari ini gw baru kuliah jam 11 nanti siang. Well then, I checked Diana Ang's blog again, since she has posted a new entry. Eh eh... baru nyadar. Ternyata award (dan tag) yang gw dapet kemaren tuh sebenernya ada 3! Hahaha... Kay kay, gonna do the rest 2 now.

This is the rules :

1. Take a recent photo of yourself OR take a picture of yourself RIGHT NOW
2. DON'T change your cloth. DON'T fix your hair, just take a picture
3. Post that picture with NO editing
4. Post this instruction with your picture
5. Tag 10 people to do this

Hahaa... I look chubby there. I took that pic ASAP after I read that post. Yet, because of some "restrictions" I've got, maybe I manipulated some rules, there. Heheee... Gomen ne! ^^v

Sebenernya gw kurang ngerti juga sih, yang kedua ini maksudnya apa... Dari yang gw baca, I think it was actually an award... Hahaa, thanks ya Diana. Last night, I really needed something to distract my mind from some sort of uncomfortable feelings. xD And by seeing this award this morning, I couldn't help but to smile... and felt quite relieved. :)

Here's the award!!!

Someday, everything will make perfect sense.
So laugh at the confusion.. Smile through the tears..
Keep reminding yourself that everything happens for a purpose.
Something to make you smile: if you smile when no one is around, you really mean it.

Smile and be happy!

So, I won't really change the people I'd like to tag at the moment. These people would still be them then. :D

1. Alex

2. Farrah

3. Kak Luna

4. Ramda

5. Winda

6. Neno

7. Dama


Nuff said for this morning. Hope you all have such a lovely day today. See ya. ;)


No Name said...

thanks Nisa tag and awardnya. tagnya dua pernah dapet, jadi saya ambil awardnya aja ya.. :)

Rakhmat Ari Wibowo said...

lagi musim award nih :)